Local Fiat Stablecoin On-Ramp
SCF #29 Community Award End-User Application $98,850 View in SCF
New Stablecoin On-ramp "Buoy" concept for easy local economic inclusion with fully integrated Bank, Wallet, and Exchange ecosystem

Stellar Storehouse



Product & Architecture


First, for SCF #29 we decided to change our submission title from SCF #28.  Though the Stablecoin on-ramp concept is the core of what we are presenting, the integrated fiat and web3 wallet enable mobile app front end along with the full wallet and centralized exchange made us rethink that our submission should be a turn-key end-user solution.  Therefore, we retitled our submission "Local Fiat Stablecoin On-Ramp"

After submitting to SCF #28, we received the feedback for our submission and added documents to support the questions asked of us.  In SCF#28 we apparently caused confusion with about our exchange platform.  This submission is intended to correct that mistake.  To do so, we are submitting the supporting original documents with the addition of:

  • Video Introducing the SCF 29 Submission, "Storehouse SCF #29 Submission Overview"
  • Video Explaining the need for a Centralized Exchange "SCF #29 Explanation for the Centralized Exchange"
  • Info Deck for our proposed Benin, Africa Pilot Program
  • Letter of Intent for HSBC integration in Chile (Conan Spa)
    • English Translation in Separate Document
  • Partnership for European VASP license Submission (Coleman Capital)
  • LOI for pilot in Panama for newly elected government (PanaLawyers)
    • English Translation in Separate Document
  • StableCoin Buoy and Centralized Exchange White Paper
  • Centralized Exchange platform architecture
  • SCF #29 Document Guide

For SCF #29, Storehouse Gold has continued growing.  For SCF #28, we were in discussion for only pilot programs in Benin and Argentina.  Currently, we are looking at pilot programs in the following countries:






Countries expected to come soon:

Democratic Republic of Congo



**SCF #28 Original Submission**

There are three main new products which we wish to add to our platform. 

First is the integration of a centralized exchange.  ( see this video: Link) For this we have chosen to partner with Shift Markets.  This is the most important aspect of our proposal because the exchange will allow us to create token pairs and march our new stablecoin concept with other existing assets.  Without an exchange it will be nearly impossible to add assets and grow the functionality to other tokens. And, most importantly, Shift has the experience and the current capability of deploying Soroban contracts across their exchange with our stellar assets; as well as integrating with our current full custody wallet with fireblocks.  We have already begun the process of attaining a VASP license, so with this submission we will be in position to launch the exchange in multiple countries.

The second major component is the payments and debit platform which can open fiat debit accounts.  While architecturally speaking, this platform will not operate on Stellar, the ledger in the platform will be important for tracking the fiat assets and minting them when a user decides to participate with locally tokenized assets.  That ledger and the integration with the fireblocks tokenization engine will be the management tool for making the calls to mint and burn our "Buoy" fiat stablecoins

Finally, the third component is the presence of the Fully integrated fiat and web3 mobile app.  As a functionally integrated piece of the exchange, the mobile app will be the tool which manages each of the stellar and fiat assets, as well as any additional token pairs accepted within the exchange ecosystem. already existing on both android and ios, the mobile app will be the gateway for all users into the full ecosystem and be the front door to the end-user application.

Though it is not technically a component, our entire proposal will reside on the Stablecoins which will be created with local currencies.  Our success in creating the other tokenized gold assets has shown that the minting and contracts are within our purview.  

Technical Architecture Doc


Project URL


Code URL


Video URL


Pitch Deck URL

Project Categories

Project Type [If End-User Applications]



Requested Budget in USD ($)


Total Expected Roadmap

Because all technology is already in place and all partnerships are already established, our total roadmap is expected to be 45 days.  


Because we now have additional prospects, we have multiple banks and opportunities in both Africa and South America.  Documentation is included in this submission.

By the end of 45 days, we expect to have full debit/fiat integration to mint the USD "buoy" stablecoins, have created all token pairs in the exchange, and have the exchange and trading/wallet app fully functional and available for anyone in the stellar community to use it.



Public Entity Name

Storehouse Gold Corporation

Entity Description

Storehouse Gold is a Wyoming Corporation that was created to build and operated a tokenized, real world asset solution to the underserved populations of the world.

Team bio

Patrick Mulcahy

Mr. Mulcahy’s career includes senior level positions in product development, product management, product implementation, product specialist, medical and fintech salest at several industry leading organizations.

Specialties: Payments, Blockchain, mySQL, Billing, transcription and dictation, voice recognition, project management, networking, sales, consulting, workflow management, implementations, server architecture, workstation architecture, applications design, UI design, application workflow, and Product Ownership.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-mulcahy-medsis/

Mitish Chitnavis (Director of Development)

“I believe in keeping things simple for customers, focussed on delivering key outcomes, building amazing teams and quickly adapting to the new learnings. I have enjoyed many executive positions throughout my career in Cyber Security, Risk Management, product management, product marketing, technical sales, engineering, and strategy.

What I learnt over years from my personal and professional experiences:

Results Count, Data Matters, building a winning team matters the most, learning is constant, change is permanent, creativity drives innovation, Patience Pays and stay calm in adversity, keep evolving and have a sense of purpose in whatever you do.

Professional Skills:

Product Management (Payments, Healthcare) | Cyber Security | 

Platforms: Domain Knowledge 

 FinTech | HealthTech | IT and Data Security | IT Management Software |

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitishchitnavis/

Second Team Lead Developer:

Kaushik Daspute

"I am software engineer who believes in utilising his software programming skills for solving practical issues."

Senior Software Engineer (MiniOrange)

Education: Batchelor of Engineering

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaushik98/

Key Consultants

 Vincent Choy - Singapore

Serial entrepreneur and advisor committed to solving social and economic challenges through innovation. Founder of multiple companies spanning AI, blockchain, and sustainable retail. Expertise in financial inclusion, offshore digital assets, and credit risk innovation. Passionate about creating lasting impact and driving technological transformation.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/choyvincent/ 

Obi Taiwan - Africa, United Nations Relations, Global Consulting

Obsessed with Saving the World. A Senior Technology Executive and Strategy Leader with Global, Cross-Industry Experience and Pivotal C-Level Executive Leadership roles at the United Nations, DaVincian Healthcare, Aetna, WellPoint/Empire BCBS, and Siemens GmbH.

Served as a Council Member to the IWF, and has led as a Director & Officer of a Portfolio including Government, Healthcare, Cybersecurity Interests and Advanced Digital Integration & Transformation - AI, IOT, Blockchain

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/obitaiwan/

Rohan F. Britto - Dubai and Middle East, North Africa, Asia

A person driven by a visceral “hard-wired” need to strategize, to innovate and to disprove the words “it can’t be done”. Gifted with the vision, skills and determination needed for high level revenue building strategies and tactics who has been deeply rooted and associated with the Technology and Telecoms industry for the last 28 years with passion to always be at the forefront of technology – Blockchain being the focus in the last 3 years. A die-hard proponent of Blockchain Technology! Cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change human life in inconceivable ways and I am here to empower people to understand this new ecosystem so that they can use it for their benefit.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rbritto/ 

Dax Cabrera - General Consultant and Co-founder

Founder and manager of multiple ventures around the world while working closely with teams and governments at high levels in more than 15 countries globally; my focus remains on bringing technology, new products, fresh ideas, and absolute accessibility to the under-served around the world.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daxcabrera/

Progress on Previous (Awarded) Submissions


All deliverables for the activation award submission were completed. 

Additional advances have been made with the addition of a full custody wallet, filing for a VASP license, and progress in multiple countries to launch multiple pilot programs at the requests of government and local entities.

This submission is detailing those opportunities.

Deliverables List

Deliverable 1: 

  • Launch the Exchange and create all token pairs

  • Integrate API’s for Wallet, Purchasing, and Fiat to launch CoinTrader Mobile App

  • Create Sandbox that would allow other Stellar Builders to participate

    • All items in this deliverable are already under contract.  Measure of completion is measured by being able to provide other members of the stellar community to use the wallet and the exchange in sandbox for their project or for personal use.

    • 45 Days from award

    • $66,550

Deliverable 2:

  • Launch the Payment app in Sandbox to integrate with a live debit account

    • Measure of Completion is being able integrate and open a debit account to track fiat from the payments platform and mint tokens to be vaulted as Fiat Stablecoins (USD)

    • 35 days from award

    • 27,500

Deliverable 3:

  • Mint new Fiat (USD) Stablecoin and make token pairs within the Exchange

    • Measure of Completion is being able to Mint, Send, and compare value pegged to Gold, XLM, and USDC over time for stability and liquidity

    • 15 days from award

    • $4,800