SCF #29 Community Award Soroban Enabled Wallet $100,000 View in SCF
We will maintain and expand the stellar metamask integration and launch


Project URL

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Progress on Previous (Awarded) Submissions

At the time of writing this, the metamask snap has a functional and prototype minimum viable product. This means it supports soroban, it supports whatever* naming, the wallet detects if you are trying to sends funds to an empty wallet and automatically creates a create wallet transaction. Checks assets and address against database. It has also been code audited and proven safe, by cure51.



Product & Architecture

We are the soroban-enabled metamask snap wallet. We currently only work with the browser version of metamask, but metamask does plan to release mobile support for snaps in the medium future. We will keep the snap maintained and up to date with the ever evolving snap standard, and relevant SEPs (where applicable and report issues when they arise). We will work out a better system for handling audits, so we can update the wallet more frequently. We plan to expand the website to host links to completed stellar applications, and some kind of community forum, and a place for user to access their wallet and their stellar identity. is necessary because there is not a direct line of communication between the metamask ui and stellar-snap so an intermediate website is needed to call the correct rpc methods. This website will function as the user's wallet. This is distinct from other web wallets in the way a user connects to a web3 application. In other soroban webwallets a website is required to be visited to sign transactions, with metastellar a soroban-application will only need to communicate with the metamask extension to sign and submit soroban transactions. However, users will still need to be able to access a consistent wallet interface. will function as a central place to do this. As far as integrations into stellar, the extension allows you to create federation address and follows the stellar name space rules, my wallet is megahuge* We also do our best to analyze soroban transactions by simulating them first and checking addresses against stellarexperts list of dangerous accounts. We then display any warnings and the soroban contract address, method name being called and the parameters and their values, when a user attempts to sign a soroban transaction. We are working on expanding the sdk to handle the headache of clamable balances when sending nfts. We will also create a feeling of signing for a package, when claiming a claimable balance, and iterate on every interaction in the wallet. Including viewing and minting nfts. We do not plan to roll all of this out at once, but instead evolve thoughtfully with the stellar ecosystem, the metamask wallet, and current technology standards.


As far as architecture.

github org

npm -  

Stellar Wallet Snap - 

Stellar-Metamask SDK - 

Stellar Svelte-ui library

-federation servers

-user databases

-lambda functions

Metamask snap

-integrations into stellarexpert

-integrations into

-integrations into

-integrations into lambda functions on netlify for sign in with metamask


Technical Architecture Doc

Pitch Deck URL

Project Categories



Requested Budget in USD ($)


Total Expected Roadmap

Here is my vision.

September 1st Official launch of, wallets can officially hold user funds. Website is clean, everything on the screen works, documentation is refined. Wallet Website has been tested thoroughly over multiple days before launch.


I wait a week and handle problems, maybe talk to a few users, maybe even have a few users,  then I submit that user data in the form of metrics, which will be limited at first, as my first deliverable.


After review 22,500 usd in stellar will be paid after a test transaction, for the first 3 months of maintenance and development. After 3 months from launch we will submit a report detailing user metrics as well as showcasing development progress and plans.


This process will then be repeated 4 times. Concluding September 1st 2025. Totaling 100,000 usd paid in stellar xlm for official launch,  first year maintenance, and discovery.


Video URL

Project Type [If End-User Applications]

Deliverables List

[Official Launch of]

Finish up minimum viable product (send assets, receive assets, manage trustlines), including documentation. This includes a clean and complete UI, so that the wallet is ready to safely hold users funds from day one.

Proof of completion - will host the web wallet, as well as official metamask launch 

Estimated completion time - september 1st

Budget - $10,000

[12 month post launch maintenance and development of the metastellar snap] 

We propose to create a development branch of the snap that keeps up to date with the latest features of metamask snaps, adds quality of life features, remains stable, and adapts to the ever evolving soroban ecosystem.

As well as talk to our users and gather data about how people are using cryptocurrency, as well as effectively explore new use cases.


Proof of completion - 

Budget $45,000 

[12 months of development on Stellar-Metamask SDK and]

This SDK will simplify developer experience. It is a typescript package that abstracts the metamask rpc wallet into a Wallet Object. We want to expand this by incorporating Freighter and other stellar wallets. 

We will also take time to refine and maintain the site, keeping documentation up to date, not offering support, and upgrading functionality. This will be all open source all the way down to internal libraries 

Proof of completion 

Budget $45,000


Team bio

Paul Fears

hello, I am Paul Fears, I am almost 25 years old. I have been writing code since I was a teenager. I am chesster_oldandgay on, If you want to get in touch about something not chess related my email is


Hiroto Sloewft

